10 Ways To Spot Bad Cosmetic Surgery From Across The Room
This was the subject of my talk at the University of Pennsylvania and Scheie Eye Institute 140th anniversary alumni meeting in early April. I began with a picture of aliens, and the guys in the Men in Black film that are able to recognize them.It isn't hard to recognize p...
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Facing Facts About the Vibes We Send
My sister, Karen, a screenwriter and a lawyer in California, was just in town for a visit. We got a chance to talk about her blog, which reveals that our thoughts run strangely in parallel.Her blog, called Karenoia, discusses how the way we interact with people is often determi...
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Subliminal Cosmetic Surgery
Imagine this—you walk into a room, let’s say a party. You’re meeting old friends, mixed with new, interesting people that you’d like to make a favorable impression upon. Do you want them to know that you’ve had cosmetic surgery? My guess is no. You want them to believe tha...
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Plastic Surgery, the Oscars, and US
What do we all want?Watching the Oscars with my family, few of which have seen any of the films that were even nominated this year, it became clear to me:We all want a glimpse of what it would be like to be there, each of those stars looking unbelievably amazing, each star ill...
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Overfilling the Eyes and How we Fix it
I see at least four patients a week, and consult with another few every week via the Internet who, for reasons mysterious to them, have developed “festoons”. These bags on bags, usually seen under the eyes in patients that either have thyroid eye problems, malnourishment, kidn...
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Volumizing Cheeks with Juvederm™ Voluma XC
Today, The Doctors TV featured Juvederm Voluma™ XC, the brand new FDA approved facial filler. This is an exciting new development for almost everyone that needs volume in their face, especially if they don’t want to go to the operating room to have fat liposuctioned from one...
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Making the Man Part I: How Cosmetic Surgery is Different for Men v. Women
It's a known fact: men do go under the knife, they just don’t always admit it. Even Vice President, Joe Biden has been suspected to have undergone a hair transplant and a little Botox. While some public figures try to keep their procedures a secret, ask any plastic s...
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Making the Man Part II: Getting a Little Help from His Plastic Surgeon
Cosmetic surgery for men. The idea alone is repugnant to some. In this country, if you dye your hair, you are more vain than most, and even worthy of a little sarcasm. Think Mitt Romney or Wayne Newton.Mitt Romney“, by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC Under 2.0*Despite...
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Fill ‘er up, Buttercup!
Patients ask me about the different fillers all the time…which ones I use and which ones I like for use in certain areas. Well, I liken them to cake, because anyone that knows me knows I have a sweet tooth and l like them all for different reasons. That DOES NOT mea...
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Botox – Beyond the Brows
Botox® is a fabulous “quick fix” for your wrinkles. In fact, Botox injections are the most common non-surgical cosmetic procedure performed at W Cosmetic Surgery®. The FDA has approved Botox ONLY for the treatment of forehead wrinkles—the ones that form...
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