As a facial plastic surgeon in the Philadelphia area for more than 30 years, Dr. Allan Wulc, MD, FACS, has concentrated his efforts on mastering the art of facial cosmetic surgery. He is actively involved in developing new techniques and is committed to improving the patient experience and shortening the postoperative healing period. Dr. Wulc is dedicated to working with each patient to develop a personalized plan to fit their individual needs and dreams.
Patients who feel they have drooping of the upper eyelids often have drooping of the brows. A brow lift is a typical procedure performed to enhance the appearance of the upper eyelid and awaken and beautify the face. During your consultation, Dr. Wulc will work with you to determine what type of procedure would best fit your goals.
Chin augmentation surgery can give balance to an inadequate jawline and lessen jowling. Facial augmentation procedures are dramatic, overnight solutions to patients concerned over weak facial features.
Facelift surgery can have a dramatic impact, making you look years younger. As a plastic surgeon for more than 25 years, Dr. Wulc focuses on minimally invasive techniques. His attention to your natural anatomy ensures that your facelift procedure will improve your appearance to create a rejuvenated, truer version of yourself
If you are not getting the best results from lip fillers alone and want a more permanent way to rejuvenate and enhance your lips, a lip lift may be a great option for you. A lip lift can create the appearance of volume and address a long upper lip (the vertical distance between the base of your nose and upper lip).
Did you know your own fat can be used as a filler? If you’re interested in facial liposculpture, Dr. Wulc can take fat from any problem area and put it somewhere more useful. Fat is a natural, regenerative solution that can have more permanence and because of its abundance can be less expensive than syringes of synthetic fillers.
Dr. Wulc developed the WNatural Micromidfacelift™ for patients who may have apprehensions about a full facelift or who are looking for a more natural solution. This revolutionary midface lift technique challenges preconceived notions of the traditional facelift with minimal scarring and downtime.
Patients who may have apprehensions about a full facelift or who are looking for a more natural solution, are candidates for a mid face lift surgery. A mid face lift is a cheek lift that does precisely that—it lifts the cheeks back to the point they were in youth, creating a heart shaped well-defined face.
A mini facelift involves tightening of the neck and the jawline. It mimics the effects that you might see when you pull up on your jawline and neck looking in the mirror.
Deep neck lift surgery is a procedure for anyone looking for a more youthful neck with a better contour. This treatment option can help patients with excess skin or localized deposits of fat in the anterior part of the neck—under the chin.
Let’s face it, nobody wants to go under the knife to get a facelift, but sometimes facial injections, lasers, or creams are not enough to get the results you want. If a facelift isn’t what you’re ready for, but you want effective and lasting results, ThermiTight skin tightening is the perfect solution. ThermiTight® is used to re-contour the neck and eliminate sagging jowls, all with no downtime, no sutures and minimal risks.
Brow Lift
51-year-old female shown before and after endoscopic brow lift, upper blepharoplasty, lower lid blepharoplasty and laser resurfacing.
Chin Implant
59 year-old woman before and after chin implant and neck liposuction.
Neck Lift
61-year-old woman shown before and after lower lid blepharoplasty, face and deep neck lift.
60-year-old woman before and after face lift and deep neck lift.
Facial Reconstruction
77 year-old woman who came to WCosmetic after having a basal cell carcinoma removed from her nose. A supraclavicular skin graft was harvested. Skin flaps surrounding the nose defect were used to make the defect smaller and then the harvested skin graft was meticulously sutured to the nose defect.
Laser Resurfacing
60 year old after unsatisfactory cheek implant surgery and lower blepharoplasty shown pre and post upper lid ptosis repair and blepharoplasty, WNatural endoscopic micromidfaceTM, laser resurfacing of lower eyelids and festoons.
Lip Lift
57-year-old woman before and after lip lift
56 year-old woman before and after necklift and full face fat transfer.
Minimal Incision Facelift
62 year-old woman before and after minimal incision facelift.
Synergy Lift
55-year-old before and after endoscopic brow and Wnatural micromidfaceTM lift and MyEllevateTM plus Renuvion.
60 year-old woman who had ThermiTight to the neck and jowls.
WNatural Micromidfacelift™
45 year-old woman before and after endoscopic upper and lower blepharoplasty and WNatural Micromidfacelift™.
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