


Unlike many other fillers, Sculptra®is an injectable product that stimulates your own tissues to grow and fill areas of volume loss.  Collagen is lost as we age and one of the main causes of wrinkles and hollowing seen in the face over time.  Collagen is a protein that creates the scaffolding and support to the skin, and when it is lost, the skin thins, sags and loses texture.

Sculptra® injections help replace lost collagen and create visible changes in the face and body that have long lasting benefit. Sculptra® is formulated from L- Polylactic acid, a substance that our body recognizes and that resorbs once injected.  The resorption of the product actually responsible for stimulating collagen regrowth and remodeling.

The renewal seen with Sculptra injections occurs over time.  We usually inject two vials on at least 2 to 3 occasions spread out by 4-6 weeks to maximize facial fullness and produce skin rejuvenation.

We reformulate the product in.a specific fashion and use it artistically to produce filling in locations where it is needed.  Treatments are customized to each person, and when done appropriately don’t produce the pillow faces that so many of our patients are afraid of.

Sculptra® is:


  • FDA approved
  • Nonallergenic
  • Administered in the office
  • A biostimulant and not a filler that induces collagen production
  • An budget friendly alternative to liposculpture and dermal fillers– which are also effective– but may be more expensive.
  • Little to no downtime or discomfort
  • Corrects superficial as well as deeper wrinkles
  • Produces volume enhancement including the jawline, cheeks, temples and nasolabial folds. 
  • Lasts longer than most synthetic fillers


How is it performed?

At our initial consultation, we determine the exact areas to be augmented after looking at old photographs and comparing them to photographs of you on the day of the consult.

We treat your skin with a topical anesthetic and formulate the Sculptra in a diluted form with local anesthetic in order to produce a comfortable injection experience.  Once injected, we gently massage the treated areas to help diffuse the product evenly.  Any bruising is treated with light or laser therapy.

The treatment takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes.


What can I expect to see after the treatment(s)?

You need to commit to massaging the treated areas for at least five minutes at least five minutes a day, for at least five days—these are all company recommendations to prevent the possibility of nodules formulating from product that doesn’t spread evenly.

Usually the “sweet spot” for seeing changes occurs around 6 weeks after the injection.  At that point, we reevaluate you to assess the outcome. 

Many of our patients enjoy the treatment benefits for up to 2 years and return every 2-3 years to be “topped off “with a single Sculptra vial—not the initial 2-6 vials required to get started with collagen stimulation.

Discover your possibilities.
Schedule a consultation
Our Location
610 W. Germantown Pike, Suite 161, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
(610) 828-8880
Office Hours
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday - Sunday Closed

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