Mid Facelift Before and After Photos
A mid face lift is a minimally invasive procedure that lifts the cheeks and achieves natural-looking — but noticeable — results. A midface lift procedure at W Cosmetic Surgery will result in a younger, fresher version of yourself. Your skin will look tighter, your cheekbones will be more prominent, and your eyes will look brighter.
See some of the results of patients who have graciously allowed us to present their photographs:
62 year old woman pre & postoperative endoscopic w natural midfacelift.
63 year-old woman shown before and after WNatural Micromidfacelift™ (midface lift with liposculpture). Additional procedures included laser resurfacing, upper and lower blepharoplasty.
65 year-old woman before and after endoscopic browlift . Other procedures: upper and lower blepharoplasty, laser resurfacing lower eyelids, WNatural Micromidfacelift™ (midface lift + liposculpture) procedure, facelift, and neck lift.
45 year-old woman before and after endoscopic upper and lower blepharoplasty and WNatural Micromidfacelift™.
53 year-old woman before and after brow lift, and WNatural Micromidfacelift™. Additional procedures: upper and lower blepharoplasty, mole removal and laser skin resurfacing of lower eyelids and midcheek festoons.
66 year-old woman who had a facelift, WNatural Micromidfacelift™, lower lid blepharoplasty, upper lid blepharoplasty, fat transfer, and laser resurfacing.
69 year old female, Upper lid blepharoplasty, lower lid blepharoplasty, endoscopic browlift, midface lift, laser full face, facial liposculpture.
75 year-old woman before and after endoscopic brow lift, WNatural Micromidfacelift™, fat transfer (liposculpture) and face lift.
62 year old female, Upper lid blepharoplasty, lower lid blepharoplasty, laser lower lid, Canthal tightening, midface, fat transfer and filler.
65 year-old woman before and after upper and lower blepharoplasty, endoscopic brow and WNatural Micromidfacelift™, facelift, and neck lift.
51 year-old woman shown before and after upper and lower blepharoplasty, endoscopic brow and WNatural Micromidfacelift™.
68 year-old woman before and after endoscopic WNatural Micromidfacelift™ and fat transfer.
51 year-old woman shown before and after endoscopic brow reshaping, midface lift, upper lid blepharoplasty, lower lid blepharoplasty, liposculpture, full face laser resurfacing.
This 63 year-old complained that she looked “sad”. Shown here before and after endoscopic brow lift and reshaping, WNatural Micromidfacelift™ (midface lift with liposculpture), small incision facelift, and RestylaneTM injection to vermilion border. Full face laser micropeel using Sciton dual erbium laser also performed.
55 year old woman who had a WNatural Micromidfacelift™, browlift, lower lid blepharoplasty, canthal tightening, fat transfer, and filler.
67 year-old woman who had a WNatural Micromidfacelift™, lower lid blepharoplasty, and liposculpture to lower eyelid tear troughs and cheeks.
83 year-old woman before and after upper and lower blepharoplasty, endoscopic brow and WNatural Micromidfacelift™, face and neck lift.
Frequently Asked Questions About Mid Face Lifts
How long does a mid face lift last?
A midface lift in our hands has a long duration of benefit. You continue to age, but your midface stays in place. In many patients, volume loss continues to occur, but the suspension keeps the cheeks in a good position. The volume loss is easily addressed with either hyaluronic acid fillers or liposculpture—the addition of fat to the cheeks.
Where will I have scars from a mid face lift?
During a mid face lift, incisions are made that are hidden above the hairline. The incisions from this procedure heal invisibly.
What are the risks of a midface lift?
Some possible risks, complications, or side effects of getting a mid face lift include:
- Swelling and bruising.
- Temporary numbness
- Temporary tearing
- Eye swelling causing a wet- appearing eye.
- Temporary weakness of the muscles that move the forehead.
- Hematoma (blood under the skin) or seroma (fluid under the skin).
- Infection.
- Temporary Hair loss along the incision.
- Healing problems.
In our practice, all these complications have proved to be shortlived.
Schedule a Consultation Today
Our team of experts will work with you to understand and achieve your cosmetic goals. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about a mid face lift.
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