
BBL Research, Results & Youthful Skin

When I called my patient, Kelly, to check on her after her BBL treatment, her first words to me were “where has this been all my life? My skin is beautiful, my pores look smaller, and my face is brighter! ” Hearing these words are why I LOVE what I do at W Skin Studio...

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The Necks Big Thing in Neck Tightening

“I hate my turkey neck! ” “My double chin looks terrible in selfies! ”Both are common complaints I hear from women and men who come to our practice. During our consultations, they look in the mirror, drop their head or pull it back against the muscles in t...

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A man and woman hugging

Hair Restoration…It’s Not Just for Men!

Hair today…gone tomorrow. NOT what most of us are hoping for in the hair department! Hair loss is often hard for men (and women) to take. Hair loss can often be blamed on a family history, aging or changing hormones. And as a rule, the earlier it starts the more severe it...

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Quick Healing the W Cosmetic Surgery® Way

All of our patients know we really care about you and that we want you to be able to get back to 'normal' after your surgery or fillers! So our entire team has come up with our very own W Cosmetic Surgery® quick healing protocol to fast track you back to your life/job/family. It...

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A woman afetr getting Sciton BBL

Look as young as you feel (with a little help from a friend called BBL)

One of the things that I love about my job is that we are constantly looking for new techniques and technology to make your skin look even more beautiful and healthy. Dr. Wulc and I have been researching and testing new IPL systems for about a year, looking for best results. We...

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Shakespeare…and Why Every Woman is Beautiful

Shakespeare captured it and I hear it all the time, negative feedback from women patients during our cosmetic consultations. As we're deciding what it is that we might want to improve, I almost always tell the patient that she is beautiful. They often say, with disdain: &l...

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Do I Need a Brow Lift

Are you frustrated with sagging skin in your forehead? Deep frown lines or creases have you down? We have many patients that come in and say that they have extra skin hanging on their eyelids and it is becoming worse. Sometimes, it might not only be drooping of the upper eye...

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The Magic of Microneedling

Microneedling is making big news. In addition to all of the studies that show it actually builds collagen, people are seeing a difference in their skin and talking about it. In the last few months, my patients say their lip lines are markedly improved, the crinkles around...

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10 Ways To Spot Bad Cosmetic Surgery From Across The Room

This was the subject of my talk at the University of Pennsylvania and Scheie Eye Institute 140th anniversary alumni meeting in early April. I began with a picture of aliens, and the guys in the Men in Black film that are able to recognize them. It isn't hard to recognize p...

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A woman holding a cup of tea

Facing Facts About the Vibes We Send

My sister, Karen, a screenwriter and a lawyer in California, was just in town for a visit. We got a chance to talk about her blog, which reveals that our thoughts run strangely in parallel. Her blog, called Karenoia, discusses how the way we interact with people is often determi...

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