
Botox Beginnings – How I Became a Botox Believer

Prior to working at W Cosmetic Surgery®, Botox (or injections of any kind) never crossed my mind. I was under the impression that I wouldn’t need injections until I got “old” or “wrinkly.” I soon came to understand that was not true. The more time I spent assisting Dr. Wulc an...

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When is it Time to Start Botox? How About Surgery?

What should I do to keep myself looking my very best? Is there the perfect time to start if I want to stay ahead of the game? The answer to this question is complex, and depends on genetics and your environmental exposure. Are you a sun worshipper? Are you always outside? Do...

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Champagne glasses

I’m NOT Mad! It’s RBF!

Have you heard (or seen) resting bitch face (RBF as it's often referred to)? It’s a real term, and even has its own Facebook page. Do a Google search, and you’ll find it, along with pictures of famous people who suffer from this “crippling” conditio...

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Festoons or Baggy Eyelids or BOTH?

Imagine putting on a pair of Armani pants at Neiman Marcus or Bloomingdales. Your reflection in the mirror isn't what you expect. The pants are so long that they hit the ground and need a little shortening, and maybe a little work at the waist.Festoons are like that&mdash...

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Top Doctors award logo

How Do I Get Rid of These Dark Circles?

“I have dark circles under my eyes. How do I fix them? I've been told there’s nothing I can do about it.”It’s one of the most common complaints that brings people to my office (and one of the most common questions asked of me at social events over...

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“Holloween”: Trick and Treat

Halloween…a great name for a holiday. Unfortunately, it often celebrates the zombie look—hollow faces, hollow under eyes—“Holloween!” Photo credit: falseeyelashessite.com Perhaps this beautiful woman made to look like a zombie is a bit of an exaggeration…but you get my poi...

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Lip lift B&A photos

Sculpting the Perfect Lips, Is a Lip Lift Right for You?

A Lip Lift is a long-lasting solution to a small red lip and elongated upper white lip, which occurs with aging. It's an in-office surgical procedure that I offer at W Cosmetic Surgery®, done under local anesthesia, that elevates the position of the upper lip to create...

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Quick Healing the W Cosmetic Surgery® Way

All of our patients know we really care about you and that we want you to be able to get back to 'normal' after your surgery or fillers! So our entire team has come up with our very own W Cosmetic Surgery® quick healing protocol to fast track you back to your life/job/family.It...

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A woman looking in the mirror

Fillers & Cosmetic Surgery: How Long Will My Results Last?

How Long Will Botox & Fillers Last?No matter what intervention you have, there is a shelf life to it. For example, the effects of Botox and the other neurotoxins, such as Xeomin and Dysport, last three months by the clock. Function of the muscles blocked by these injections...

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Restylane B&As

Restylane Silk Now Available

We are very excited to announce that Restylane Silk® is now available at W Cosmetic Surgery®! We are proud to be the first practice in the region and one of the first in the United States to have this brand new, FDA-approved formulation. Here's some information abo...

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