I’m NOT Mad! It’s RBF!

Written by bracketmedia
On February 02, 2016

Have you heard (or seen) resting bitch face (RBF as it’s often referred to)? It’s a real term, and even has its own Facebook page. Do a Google search, and you’ll find it, along with pictures of famous people who suffer from this “crippling” condition.

This is how urban dictionary defines the term:

A phenomenon in which the resting face lacks animation and appears to look bitchy at all times, thus leading people to believe a person must be upset, a snob or a bitch.

We’re seeing more and more RBF at W Cosmetic Surgery. Patients of all ages, mostly women, tell me they get asked the following all the time:

  • Why are you angry?
  • Why are you so sad?
  • Is everything all right?
  • Are you OK?

In most cases, they aren’t any of the above. They feel pretty good! They’re just dealing with genes, gravity…and a whole lot of misunderstanding.

So, how do you get a resting bitch face?

My take on this is that with time, and based on the shape of the facial skeleton and the facial muscles, areas of the face can sag at a greater rate. So, the corners of the mouth turn down and the eyebrows sag into a concerned expression that is the look of consternation. RBF!!

While the simple solution may be try to smile more, to encourage others to look beyond the superficial to the person’s insides, or to go into intensive psychoanalysis (ha ha), there is a much simpler way.

We can offer a little Botox or filler. Filler fills in deep frown folds around the mouth, while Botox relaxes those overworked frowning muscles and can elevate the brows. If that’s not enough, a minimally invasive brow elevation or corner of the mouth procedure can be scheduled—OR may be necessary.

Check out the information we have about injectables.

We’re happy to turn that frown upside down!

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