8 Types of Chemical Peels & Why You Need One
It is said that Cleopatra used lemon juice as an agent to make her skin glow. This is the basic principle behind a chemical peel—using a weak strength acid or another compound to affect change in the skin surface. There are many types of chemical peels but in g...
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MyEllevate Procedure with Renuvion Skin Tightening!
The holy grail of keeping your face looking young — would be of course a way of just staying young — a pill or a treatment that just kept things tight and full and in position so that nothing would stretch or sag and everything would remain unchanged. We don't...
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The Different Types of Facelifts – Which Procedure Is The Best Option For You?
The word facelift is one of the most confusing terms in all of cosmetic surgery: it describes the reversal of what brings almost everyone into the office: the sagging, flaccid changes that happen as time and elements work on flesh, muscle and bone—making that person...
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How Long Does a Blepharoplasty (Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery) Last?
What is Blepharoplasty? Blepharoplasty is an operation that sculpts and contours the upper and lower eyelids and makes the entire eye area look younger. When performed appropriately with. surgeries that may also address the brows and the cheeks, this procedure lasts a life...
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Laser Skin Resurfacing: What Is It & What Is It Used For?
What is laser skin resurfacing?Laser skin resurfacing is exactly what it sounds like. The light from the laser produces energy. The energy causes disruption of some of the layers of the skin, and the skin is forced to heal. When the skin heals, collagen is generated...
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Microneedling: Everything You Need to Know
Trauma helps the skin. It may be an apocryphal story, but it is based on the truth. One day, tired of listening to his girlfriend express her frustration with her complexion and the failure of dermatologic techniques to improve her skin, a paint and body technician decided...
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What are Peptides and Why are They Important?
There are different types of peptides. Peptides are strings of amino acids that are produced by the body and are considered the “building blocks” of protein. What are peptides as it pertains to skincare? We must take a look at the different types of peptides to discover how th...
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Will Vitamins Help Your Plastic Surgery Recovery?
2 Minute Read: In this month’s (August, 2020) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal, there are evidence-based recommendations for what nutraceuticals and nutritional supplements you should take around the time of your plastic surgery. Studies have shown that not taking...
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These are the recommendations I am giving to my family and friends. Some of this is common knowledge—and common sense. Some of it is controversial, particularly my neutraceutical recommendations. Follow CDC guidelines. Obviously. Meticulous handwashing (soap is better than...
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Skincare for Cancer Patients
A cancer diagnosis can be a lifechanging experience. Patients and their loved ones quickly find themselves navigating tests, schedules and complex care options. One aspect of cancer care that rightfully demands attention is the side effects of treatment, which can take their tol...
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