
A woman after a facelift

How to Choose a Surgeon for Your Facelift

Making the decision to have a facelift can be exciting and liberating. Facial surgery can have a dramatic impact on your appearance, taking years off your face and giving you extra confidence and satisfaction. During this procedure, your surgeon will make a small incision to ti...

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Bottles in an ice cooler

Chin Up! You May Be Able to Skip a Facelift (or at Least Postpone it)

Are you bothered by a double chin? There are lotions, potions and, of course, surgical solutions. For years, a facelift was the best approach to improve the area. But these days, no one can accept any downtime, whether it is due to work or family responsibilities (usually both)...

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When is it Time to Start Botox? How About Surgery?

What should I do to keep myself looking my very best? Is there the perfect time to start if I want to stay ahead of the game? The answer to this question is complex, and depends on genetics and your environmental exposure. Are you a sun worshipper? Are you always outside? Do...

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How Do I Get Rid of These Dark Circles?

“I have dark circles under my eyes. How do I fix them? I've been told there’s nothing I can do about it. ”It’s one of the most common complaints that brings people to my office (and one of the most common questions asked of me at social events over...

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Lip lift B&A photos

Sculpting the Perfect Lips, Is a Lip Lift Right for You?

A Lip Lift is a long-lasting solution to a small red lip and elongated upper white lip, which occurs with aging. It's an in-office surgical procedure that I offer at W Cosmetic Surgery®, done under local anesthesia, that elevates the position of the upper lip to create...

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The Necks Big Thing in Neck Tightening

“I hate my turkey neck! ” “My double chin looks terrible in selfies! ”Both are common complaints I hear from women and men who come to our practice. During our consultations, they look in the mirror, drop their head or pull it back against the muscles in t...

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A woman looking in the mirror

Fillers & Cosmetic Surgery: How Long Will My Results Last?

How Long Will Botox & Fillers Last? No matter what intervention you have, there is a shelf life to it. For example, the effects of Botox and the other neurotoxins, such as Xeomin and Dysport, last three months by the clock. Function of the muscles blocked by these injections...

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How Long Does It Take to Recover from Plastic Surgery?

How long will it take to get back to work? When can I go out in public? Those are just two of the questions I get all the time in my role as cosmetic coordinator here at W Cosmetic Surgery®. Here’s the truth…your downtime depends on you…and a few other variables. Th...

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Do I Need a Brow Lift

Are you frustrated with sagging skin in your forehead? Deep frown lines or creases have you down? We have many patients that come in and say that they have extra skin hanging on their eyelids and it is becoming worse. Sometimes, it might not only be drooping of the upper eye...

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Photos of a woman with various face shapes

What is Your Face Saying?

What, exactly, is your face saying? Take a good hard look in the mirror. It's difficult to do this, because you will be looking at yourself from straight on, which is not how most people see you (they see you in the ¾ view-half profile, half straight on). What does...

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