Customized Hair Loss Solutions
Do you have bad hair genes? Thinning hair can happen to men and women. In fact, heredity can be blamed for 95% of all the cases of baldness in the United States! A little daily “shedding” is normal, but for those noticing large amounts of hair coming out on a daily b...
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Unwrapping the Secrets to Holiday Beauty
We’re here to help you get a jump on the holiday rush. So to look your very best for parties and family gatherings, Debbie and I put together a beauty “to do” list. You’ll need a little lead time on treatments with Debbie and Dr Wulc. Botox™, Dysport™, and Xeomin™ are all...
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Botox Beginnings – How I Became a Botox Believer
Prior to working at W Cosmetic Surgery®, Botox (or injections of any kind) never crossed my mind. I was under the impression that I wouldn’t need injections until I got “old” or “wrinkly.” I soon came to understand that was not true. The more time I spent assisting Dr. Wulc an...
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My Summer Favorites
From your skin’s standpoint, summer sun and outdoor fun can wreak havoc. Besides sun-damage, excess heat and humidity (like we’ve had all summer) create more oil and “gunk” on your skin. And while sunscreen is vitally important (and I love the one we carry in the office from E...
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Debbies Top 4 Picks for Great Skin
I get compliments on my skin all the time, but the state of my skin didn't just happen by chance. In my twenty years as a nurse in the skin care field, I have been associated with a top New York City dermatologist and had the chance to profit from the knowledge gained in o...
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Celebrating Mothers Day (Plus a Little History Lesson)
Mother's Day is a holiday that celebrates the role that Mother’s play in our lives and in making the world a better place. Here’s a little history I found on how it all started (and its Philadelphia connection).The holiday, while probably an ancient Greek cele...
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Chin Up! You May Be Able to Skip a Facelift (or at Least Postpone it)
Are you bothered by a double chin? There are lotions, potions and, of course, surgical solutions. For years, a facelift was the best approach to improve the area. But these days, no one can accept any downtime, whether it is due to work or family responsibilities (usually both)...
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When is it Time to Start Botox? How About Surgery?
What should I do to keep myself looking my very best? Is there the perfect time to start if I want to stay ahead of the game? The answer to this question is complex, and depends on genetics and your environmental exposure. Are you a sun worshipper? Are you always outside? Do...
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I’m NOT Mad! It’s RBF!
Have you heard (or seen) resting bitch face (RBF as it's often referred to)? It’s a real term, and even has its own Facebook page. Do a Google search, and you’ll find it, along with pictures of famous people who suffer from this “crippling” conditio...
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Festoons or Baggy Eyelids or BOTH?
Imagine putting on a pair of Armani pants at Neiman Marcus or Bloomingdales. Your reflection in the mirror isn't what you expect. The pants are so long that they hit the ground and need a little shortening, and maybe a little work at the waist.Festoons are like that&mdash...
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