Blepharoplasty or Brow Lift for Sagging Eyelids?
So, you're looking in the mirror and once again feel frustrated with the ongoing changes around your eyes. Whether it’s the increasing wrinkles, drooping of the upper eyelids, or feelings of eyelid heaviness that may even be disrupting your vision, you have decided i...
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How Visible Are Scars After a Facelift?
When considering a facelift, one of the common concerns among patients is the visibility of scars post-surgery. Let's dive deeper into what you can expect when it comes to scarring after a facelift and how it may affect your overall appearance. Will there be noticeable sca...
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What is a Non-Surgical Facelift?
Today, many people seeking a more youthful appearance are turning to non-surgical facelift procedures as a less invasive alternative to traditional surgical methods. But what exactly does a non-surgical facelift entail, and how does it compare to surgery? What is...
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Introducing the WNatural Micromidfacelift™
A revolutionary, invisible incision deep plane faceliftThe WNatural Micromidfacelift® is a minimally-invasive midface lift procedure, otherwise known as a cheek lift and is a form of minifacelift. It addresses common signs of aging by elevating volumes in the cheeks back in...
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How to Tighten Sagging Skin on the Face
Changes in our skin are inevitable due to factors like aging, sun exposure, stress levels, and lifestyle choices. Some are more unwelcome than others—like sagging skin. If you've noticed sagging skin on your face, find comfort in knowing that modern cosmetic advancem...
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How to Fix Sagging Cheeks
Sagging cheeks can be a source of frustration, impacting both appearance and self-confidence. Fortunately, there are options available to help restore youthful contours to your face—whether you're seeking natural remedies or considering cosmetic treatments. In this c...
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Your Facelift Recovery Explained: Day 1 to Day 30
Face & Neck Lift, Under-eye Laser, and Restylane Lip InjectionWarning: patient diary post-surgery. Graphic content. At W Cosmetic Surgery®, Dr. Allan Wulc and his team make it their number one priority to make patients feel comfortable, heard, and safe in their decisions an...
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The Different Types of Facelifts – Which Procedure Is The Best Option For You?
The word facelift is one of the most confusing terms in all of cosmetic surgery: it describes the reversal of what brings almost everyone into the office: the sagging, flaccid changes that happen as time and elements work on flesh, muscle and bone—making that person...
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How Long Does a Brow Lift Last?
The eyebrows not only serve the important function of safeguarding your eyes from dust and debris but also greatly affect your overall appearance and facial expressions. If your eyebrows are off-balance, so is your entire face. As we age, eyelids and eyebrows can become droo...
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The 9 Most Common Causes of Dark Circles & Bags Under the Eyes
Are you tired of everyone commenting on how, well, tired you look all the time? Are you startled each time you look in the mirror first thing in the morning, shocked at how baggy or dark your under-eyes look? Perhaps you've tried a myriad of concealers, yet nothing seems t...
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