5 Things to Consider When Evaluating Your Surgeon
Choosing a facial plastic surgeon is a deeply personal decision that requires thoughtful consideration. Your face is unique, and whether you're interested in refining subtle details or undergoing a more transformative procedure, finding the right surgeon to trust is cruci...
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Your Ultimate Post-Op Recovery Guide - W Cosmetic Surgery®
Recently, I wrote about vitamins and nutraceuticals that contribute to a speedier recovery. Some of these are so necessary that, without them, normal healing simply cannot occur. But, are there other ways or shortcutting your healing experience? Many of our patients try to squee...
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On the Unfairness of Aging - W Cosmetic Surgery®
Whenever we do a cosmetic consult, we ask for old photographs. The reason we do this is so that we can get an understanding of exactly what has transpired in an individual face, whether it's been the skin that changed, whether gravity was at work, or whether weight loss or...
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MyEllevate Procedure with Renuvion Skin Tightening!
The holy grail of keeping your face looking young — would be of course a way of just staying young — a pill or a treatment that just kept things tight and full and in position so that nothing would stretch or sag and everything would remain unchanged. We don't...
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Hair Growth Factors: What Are They & What Will They Do For Me?
More than ever before, people are looking for options to improve their appearance in the most natural way possible—and we're not just talking about organic makeup and paraben-free skin creams. One of the most promising (and scientifically studied) new treatments for...
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Dr. Allan Wulc Blepharoplasty Reviews
Blepharoplasty is the surgery that aims to correct defects, deformities, and disfigurations of the eyelids. Dr. Allan Wulc is highly regarded for his amazing blepharoplasty results. In fact, the people he has helped have put the process into their own words. You can get a glim...
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Can a Botched Upper or Lower Eyelid Surgery be Fixed?
When a cosmetic blepharoplasty doesn't go as planned, when healing is compromised for any reason including your health or an infection, or when a surgeon is not experienced with the procedure, you might not have the results that you were looking for or that you expected fro...
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6 Tips for Looking Better in Selfies and Boosting Self-Confidence
Before a patient comes in to learn about any sort of aesthetic procedure, we always ask them to bring in photos from various stages of their life. This allows us to analyze the differences in the lines, curves, and contours—and ultimately, it helps us pinpoint areas of conc...
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10 Things You Should Avoid Before Your Cosmetic Surgery: Ensuring Optimal Results and Safety
Whether you're considering a facelift, a blepharoplasty, or any other facial cosmetic procedure, what you do—and what you don’t do—before your surgery can have a major impact on your results and recovery. Here are ten things you should avoid before...
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Signs You Might be a Candidate for a Mid Facelift | W Cosmetic Surgery®
The first place someone notices aging changes is around the eyes. The lower lid becomes longer, puffs begin to appear, and the cheeks sag: the heart shape of full “apples” in the cheeks becomes square or flat. This is the midface—the inters...
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