
8 Types of Chemical Peels & Why You Need One

It is said that Cleopatra used lemon juice as an agent to make her skin glow. This is the basic principle behind a chemical peel—using a weak strength acid or another compound to affect change in the skin surface.  There are many types of chemical peels but in g...

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On the Unfairness of Aging - W Cosmetic Surgery®

Whenever we do a cosmetic consult, we ask for old photographs. The reason we do this is so that we can get an understanding of exactly what has transpired in an individual face, whether it's been the skin that changed, whether gravity was at work, or whether weight loss or...

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A blonde woman's face

Natural Eye Makeup Ideas for Blue Eyes - W Cosmetic Surgery

If you have blue eyes, you can thank your ancestors on both sides of your family. About 8 - 10% of the population are lucky enough to have this impressive eye color. Blue eyes, in fact, are quite impressive for sure and they look great on their own, without any makeup. But...

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How to Tighten Sagging Skin on the Face

Changes in our skin are inevitable due to factors like aging, sun exposure, stress levels, and lifestyle choices. Some are more unwelcome than others—like sagging skin. If you've noticed sagging skin on your face, find comfort in knowing that modern cosmetic advancem...

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Your Facelift Recovery Explained: Day 1 to Day 30

Face & Neck Lift, Under-eye Laser, and Restylane Lip InjectionWarning: patient diary post-surgery. Graphic content.At W Cosmetic Surgery®, Dr. Allan Wulc and his team make it their number one priority to make patients feel comfortable, heard, and safe in their decisions an...

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Woman receiving injectable treatment

The Different Types of Lip Filler: What Are They & Which Type Is Best For You?

Lip filler injections are among the most popular procedures performed in the United States now- at this moment in time. You can see the before and afters of filler injections to the lips everywhere from on TV –especially the “reality shows” and on s...

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Woman's lips

What is a Botox Lip Flip? The Honest Perspective From a Cosmetic Surgeon

The short answer to this question is…. No one knows.Why should a lip look better flipped upside down? Is that a good name for a procedure? And what does it represent? And where is it described?The next question I have is—if this procedure exists, why is it n...

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What are Dark Circles and how can I Treat them?

One of the most common questions I get—and that you see everywhere on the internet and on sites such as RealSelf is, “What do I do about the dark circles under my eyes?” Rarely the question is, “I have dark circles both under my eyes and above my eyes. What do I do about them?...

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Eye Makeup Ideas for Blue Eyes over 50 & Tips to Keep Your Eyes Looking Young

If you have blue eyes, you can thank your ancestors on both sides of your family. About 8 – 10% of the population are lucky enough to have this visually appealing eye color.   At W Cosmetic Surgery®, we are among the lucky – we all have blue eyes. We’ve worked in a plastic s...

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Branded Lifts….Explained

5 Minute Read: Many patients come into the office for a consultation knowing exactly what they want, as they have prepared themselves by extensive online research. Their knowledge is reinforced by watching channels on YouTube and by reading Instagram posts of some of the be...

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