Precise, Gentle Epidermal Heating
Wish you could turn back time and get rid of wrinkles without injections or facial surgery? Using new technology which can help your body produce more collagen, ThermiTouch® delivers precise heat to the skin’s surface using a specially designed thermistor regulated hand piece. ThermiSmooth® treatments are gentle, often being likened to receiving a warm massage. It is the new, natural method of wrinkle reduction.
Table of Contents
- What is the ThermiSmooth® Method?
- How ThermiSmooth® Works
What is the ThermiSmooth® Method?
ThermiSmooth® Science
Clinical studies have shown that collagen in the skin will shrink when heated to a sustained temperature in excess of 40°C. Further, it has been shown that when skin is heated to this level, an inflammatory process is engaged which can stimulate fibroblasts to produce new collagen over a period of time. The challenge is to deliver precise amounts of heat, without risking overheating the tissues and causing patient discomfort.