A revolutionary, invisible incision deep plane facelift

The WNatural Micromidfacelift® is a minimally-invasive midface lift procedure, otherwise known as a cheek lift and is a form of minifacelift. It addresses common signs of aging by elevating volumes in the cheeks back into a more youthful position and also target the jowls. Patients who qualify for this cosmetic procedure, currently available exclusively at W Cosmetic Surgery® in Philadelphia, notice natural-looking results with no visible scarring, little downtime, and a long duration of effect.


What is a Micro Midface Lift?

As we age, our cheeks—also known as the midface—begin to sag and eye bags begin to appear. The loss of volume and weakening of facial supporting ligaments causes the cheeks–otherwise known as the midface– to drag downward. The cheek sags into the lower face and creates visible jowls and the natural heart shape of youth becomes squared off.

Dr. Allan Wulc developed the WNatural Micromidfacelift® technique, which utilizes incisions that are concealed “invisibly” above the hairline using specially designed surgical tools. Dr. Wulc and his father, an engineer, designed a patented surgical “wand” that lifts the face at precisely the point where a lift would produce the most benefit. When healed, there is little to no evidence of the artist’s hand–only a youthful transformation. The wand is not necessary to the procedure, but the surgeon’s experience is critical to performing this surgery safely.

Using this technique, WNatural Micromidfacelift® offers a less invasive gentle and long-lasting alternative to the traditional facelift with fewer complications and a more rapid recovery than conventional mini facelift techniques. The incisions for this procedure are invisible compared to other minimal incision procedures which can leave conspicuous scars along the hairline.

Endoscopic techniques have emerged as popular less invasive alternatives to open surgery and are used in orthopedic, urologic, ENT, and neurosurgery. The endoscopic deep plane facelift has emerged as one of the most exciting procedures that we are pleased to be among the first to perform.

The surgery demands an exceptional level of skill. No skin is removed, but the results are natural and can be mimicked by looking at yourself in the mirror when you are lying flat–cheek volumes return to where they belong and the under eye hollows seem to diminish or disappear altogether. Facial shape is restored producing long-lasting results.

Dr. Wulc’s approach to his micro midface lift surgery challenges the preconceived notions surrounding the traditional facelift–an aggressive approach that mandates that all the muscles and restraining ligaments of the face need to be released to achieve a lift–instead, the ligaments of the face that support the face are given support to work more efficiently, eliminating the effects of gravity on the face.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Our Micro Midface Lift Surgery?

We highly recommend the WNatural Micromidfacelift® to individuals who are:

  • Afraid that a traditional full facelift might drastically alter their appearance.
  • Striving for natural results—not over-correction or over-tightening of the skin.
  • No longer satisfied or can no longer achieve the desired results from fillers and Botox®.
  • Looking for a minimal downtime procedure with long-lasting results.

What to Expect for Your Micro Midface Lift Procedure

Before your procedure, we’ll walk you through preparation steps to ensure you’re comfortable and confident. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect for your micro midface lift procedure:

Pre-Procedure Prep

WNatural Micromidfacelift® surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, usually under local anesthesia with sedation or with a deeper anesthetic based on patient preference and general health. The procedure is performed by making a few small, hidden incisions above and behind the hairline.

What Tools Are Used?

An endoscope (a high magnification lighted telescope and a 4K camera system) is employed to visualize delicate anatomy to release only what is necessary within the spaces of the face in the “deep plane” we develop a flap looking for that “sweet spot” where an elevation of the face occurs that produces the most aesthetic benefit. The sweet spot rejuvenates the cheeks, the under eye area, and lifts the jowl, reshaping the face. .

These are the same locations that that we might lift in the mirror that provide satisfying alterations in any aging face. Once these sweet spots are found, sutures are employed to elevate facial sagging and reverse the effects of gravity. The incisions are then closed.

We have over 20 years of experience with this technique.

Recovery from a Micro Midface Lift

Patients who undergo this procedure experience can usually return to work within seven to ten days. In our experience, and as shown in a clinical study that looked at our patients, the effects of this surgery last more than a decade.

However, no single patient or surgery is exactly the same. During the initial consultation with Dr. Wulc, we will design a surgical plan with you to best achieve your desired outcome, which may include more than just a WNatural Micromidfacelift®.

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Procedures That Compliment the WNatural Micromidfacelift® Enhancement

Additional surgical procedures that may be performed with a WNatural Micromidfacelift® include the following:

Schedule a Consultation at W Cosmetic Surgery®

Ready to take the next step towards a more youthful you? Schedule your consultation with Dr. Wulc at W Cosmetic Surgery® in Philadelphia today. Discover how the WNatural Micromidfacelift® can rejuvenate your appearance with artistry and precision. Contact us to begin your journey towards natural, confidence-inspiring results.

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