Your Ultimate Post-Op Recovery Guide - W Cosmetic Surgery®
Recently, I wrote about vitamins and nutraceuticals that contribute to a speedier recovery. Some of these are so necessary that, without them, normal healing simply cannot occur. But, are there other ways or shortcutting your healing experience? Many of our patients try to squee...
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8 Types of Chemical Peels & Why You Need One
It is said that Cleopatra used lemon juice as an agent to make her skin glow. This is the basic principle behind a chemical peel—using a weak strength acid or another compound to affect change in the skin surface. There are many types of chemical peels but in g...
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Natural Eye Makeup Ideas for Blue Eyes - W Cosmetic Surgery
If you have blue eyes, you can thank your ancestors on both sides of your family. About 8 - 10% of the population are lucky enough to have this impressive eye color. Blue eyes, in fact, are quite impressive for sure and they look great on their own, without any makeup. But...
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Eye Makeup for Blue Eyes for Blondes - W Cosmetic Surgery®
Blonde hair and blue eyes are an iconic beauty combination. Celebrities have perfected the look for decades. You don't need a professional cosmetic artist or stylist to achieve the perfect cosmetic for your blonde hair and blue eyes. You can turn heads with a few basic tip...
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Dr. Allan Wulc Blepharoplasty Reviews
Blepharoplasty is the surgery that aims to correct defects, deformities, and disfigurations of the eyelids. Dr. Allan Wulc is highly regarded for his amazing blepharoplasty results. In fact, the people he has helped have put the process into their own words. You can get a glim...
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10 Things You Should Avoid Before Your Cosmetic Surgery: Ensuring Optimal Results and Safety
Whether you're considering a facelift, a blepharoplasty, or any other facial cosmetic procedure, what you do—and what you don’t do—before your surgery can have a major impact on your results and recovery. Here are ten things you should avoid before...
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New Treatment for Malar Festoons and Big Eyelid Bags
Malar festoons and big eyelid bags are common concerns that affect many individuals, causing a tired and aged appearance. At W Cosmetic Surgery, we specialize in addressing these issues with advanced treatments to rejuvenate your look.Exploring Treatments for Ma...
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The Different Types of Facelifts – Which Procedure Is The Best Option For You?
The word facelift is one of the most confusing terms in all of cosmetic surgery: it describes the reversal of what brings almost everyone into the office: the sagging, flaccid changes that happen as time and elements work on flesh, muscle and bone—making that person...
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How Long Does a Brow Lift Last?
The eyebrows not only serve the important function of safeguarding your eyes from dust and debris but also greatly affect your overall appearance and facial expressions. If your eyebrows are off-balance, so is your entire face. As we age, eyelids and eyebrows can become droo...
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The 9 Most Common Causes of Dark Circles & Bags Under the Eyes
Are you tired of everyone commenting on how, well, tired you look all the time? Are you startled each time you look in the mirror first thing in the morning, shocked at how baggy or dark your under-eyes look? Perhaps you've tried a myriad of concealers, yet nothing seems t...
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